Friday, March 31, 2017

EDTECH 532- Learning Theory Mashup

Learning Theory Mash-Up

Over the course of my studies in the Masters of Educational Technology at Boise State, I have been exposed to several different learning theories.  Discussing these theories have been an essential part of several courses I have taken.  In this post, I will “mash- up” two such theories that resonate with my own philosophy of education.  Specifically, I will look at Lave and Wenger’s Community of Practice theory and Bloom’s Mastery of Learning Theory.

Lave and Wenger theorize that it is our desire to belong to a certain group that motivates us to learn (Communities of Practice, 2016).  In turn, we create natural learning communities where those who desire knowledge can reach out and learn from others.  We often see this behaviour in gaming communities where players can improve their proficiency by seeking help in online forums and communities.  They are motivated to become more integrated in that gaming community itself.  For example, I was once a member of a gaming “clan” when playing Medal of Honor a decade ago.  Within our clans forums, I learned more and more about the game and as my knowledge grew, my stature within the clan did as well.  

Bloom’s taxonomy is well known and has always been part of my foundation as an educator. Simply put, the learner will gain proficiency in at a certain level of their learning before advancing to the next, higher level of learning. (Mastery Learning, n.d).  This is also very evident in the world of gaming.  To proceed to the next level of a game, the player must first master the current level they are on.  They will continue at that current level until the game deems they are proficient enough to move on.  This concept of scaffolding is ever present in both the educational and gaming realms.

When we mash these two theories together, I feel we achieve something akin to “Communities of Mastery”.  To acquire the desired knowledge or to reach the next level, we need our communities assistance.  We achieve clout within our community when she share the knowledge we have already acquired.  Both of these ideas serve as motivators for learner and teacher.  In the end, we want to achieve the highest level of mastery we can.  These goals also serve as motivators for both learner and player alike.

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Communities of Practice (Lave and Wenger). (2016, June 29). Retrieved March 31, 2017, from Learning Theories,

Mastery learning. (2017, March 25). Retrieved March 31, 2017, from Wikipedia,

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