Monday, June 19, 2017

The Relative Advantage of the Google Suite

I have been using the basic Google suite of tools (word processor, spreadsheet and presentation tool) for a few years now and I have found a number of advantages to using them in a classroom setting. In fact, it seems like Google created these tools with teachers in mind.As with any basic suite of software, the G suite allows for improved productivity, improved appearance, improved accuracy, and  more collaboration (Roblyer, 2015).  These qualities are what all software suites would boast so what is the relative advantage of the Google suite?

The cloud based aspect of this suite is one relative advantage.  By not being tied to a particular machine, users can work on their files anywhere there is an internet or wifi connection.  This is very liberating and allows for redefinition of the work place.  I can easily do my work on my desktop in my office at work then continue working in my backyard on my laptop seamlessly.  Because everything is constantly  saved to your Google Drive, files are constantly being backed up and saved automatically. G suite really does increase productivity.

Another advantage of these tools are their relative ease of use.  Google designed their suite to only include the features of word processors, spreadsheets and presentation tools that people use most (Grevstad, 2016).  The lack of complex features is a big bonus when the majority of users are not tech savy.  The same can be said for classroom use, as the suite is easily used by learners of all ages.

The collaborative nature of Google tools is the suite’s greatest asset in the educational setting.  Teachers can collaborate easily together in developing materials.  Items can be transferred from one person’s “drive” to another simply by using the share button in every Google file.  Teachers can edit students' work, informally assessing them by using the comment feature in Google Docs.  Students can collaborate with each other within this suite which has helped reinvent what can be considered outputs for student work.  For example, students can share research collaboratively on a single document shared with the class or collaborate with each other during the writing process.

Grevstad, E. (2016, October 16). At home with Google G Suite. Retrieved from

Roblyer, M. (2015). Integrating educational technology into teaching [Enhanced Pearson Etext Access Card]. Pearson College Div.

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